Monday, March 10, 2008

Research material

These are some pictorial research that I have used which will go into my animation.

things like patents, electrical blue prints, and things that I am not too familiar with like the human nervous system etc.

All images are found with google images.

-I did some research for cartoon character mouth expressions for my character.

-I needed some reference for human internal system because I though it would be cool to have a picture of the human internal anatomy, but the brain replaced with the electronic chip.

-Some of the southpark research was because I felt like following their animating style because it would make production time shorter.

-I needed some ideas for a chip design and I came across a nice yellow one which I liked.

-Did some research on patent awards and the patent logo.

-I wanted to know how a big yawn looks like for my character. So I did some research on that and found freddy doing a nice one.

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